University of Bridgeport

University of Bridgeport

University of Bridgeport

University of Bridgeport is a college located in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

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At least 10 Stage 32 members have attended University of Bridgeport:
Bert Bernardi

Bert Bernardi

Actor, Director and Playwright from West Haven, Connecticut
Sandy Wasserman

Sandy Wasserman

Producer from Scottsdale, Arizona
William Rose

William Rose

Animator and Filmmaker from Sarasota, Florida
David Rickett

David Rickett

Screenwriter and Videographer from Los Angeles, California
Nemanja Colovic

Nemanja Colovic

Content Creator and Screenwriter from San Francisco, California
Sharlene Martin

Sharlene Martin

Manager and Producer from Seattle, Washington
Michael Joseph DeRosa

Michael Joseph DeRosa

Author, Music Composer and Screenwriter from Woodridge, Sullivan County, New York
Jonathan Parizer

Jonathan Parizer

Screenwriter from Branford, Connecticut
Leopold Wurm

Leopold Wurm

Line Producer, Production Manager and Location Manager from Berlin, Germany
Kruthi Kanj Singh Rathod

Kruthi Kanj Singh Rathod

Filmmaker, Actor and Director
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