EICAR - The International Film School Of Paris

EICAR - The International Film School Of Paris

EICAR - The International Film School Of Paris

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At least 14 Stage 32 members have attended EICAR - The International Film School Of Paris:
Lars T. Moen

Lars T. Moen

Director, Editor and Producer from London, England
Anna Kornilova

Anna Kornilova

Actor, Editor and Host/Presenter from London, United Kingdom
Luar Klinghofer Bar Dov

Luar Klinghofer Bar Dov

Director, Editor and Production Assistant from London, England
Romain Thery-Fruitier

Romain Thery-Fruitier

Crew and Key Grip from London, England
Gaby Harnish

Gaby Harnish

Author and Screenwriter from Auburn, California
Felix Pineiro

Felix Pineiro

Filmmaker, Director and Editor from Los Angeles, California
Ignace Clement

Ignace Clement

Field Recordist, Music Composer and Sound Designer from London, England
John Fuentes

John Fuentes

Director, Editor and Filmmaker from Los Angeles, California
M Q Taqarrabie

M Q Taqarrabie

Screenwriter and Filmmaker from Jakarta, Indonesia
Sylvain Blanchot

Sylvain Blanchot

Screenwriter from Nottingham, United Kingdom
Carolina Gomez de Llarena

Carolina Gomez de Llarena

Director and Screenwriter from Paris, France
Alazel Waller

Alazel Waller

Actor, Director and Screenwriter from Memphis, Tennessee
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