York College

York College

York College

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At least 9 Stage 32 members have attended York College:
M. Chad Durham

M. Chad Durham

Actor and Screenwriter from Midland, Texas
Amanda (Mandi) Hayes

Amanda (Mandi) Hayes

Singer, Opera Director and Actor from Baltimore, Maryland
Dinar Wibowo

Dinar Wibowo

Camera Operator, Crew and Editor from New York City, New York
Naomi Marie Jeffries

Naomi Marie Jeffries

Actor, Dancer and Film/Theatre Journalist from York, United Kingdom
Megan Louise Cantz

Megan Louise Cantz

Actor, Crew and Dancer from Atlantic City, New Jersey
Ron Becks

Ron Becks

Actor, Author and Director from Beverly Hills, California
William Hill

William Hill

Actor, Crew and Director from Goole, United Kingdom
Denise Deems

Denise Deems

Graphic Designer, Musician and Playwright from York, Pennsylvania
Steven Trauger

Steven Trauger

Cinematographer, Editor and Motion Graphic Design
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