Barry University

Barry University

Barry University

Barry University is a college located in Miami, Florida.

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At least 14 Stage 32 members have attended Barry University:
Deby Stewart

Deby Stewart

Studio Teacher from Aiken, South Carolina
Frederick Day

Frederick Day

Actor and Producer from Atlanta, Georgia
Wholihan Photography

Wholihan Photography

Photographer (Still) from Naples, Florida
JC Alvarez

JC Alvarez

Manager from Miami, Florida
Iris Saunders

Iris Saunders

Actor from Hollywood, Florida
Stephen Hill

Stephen Hill

Choreographer, Editor and Stunt Coordinator from New York City, New York
Micaela Hicken

Micaela Hicken

Author, Producer and Screenwriter from McKinney, Texas
Marina Vidal

Marina Vidal

Actor, Host/Presenter and Producer from Mar Vista, Los Angeles County, California
Jeanette Garcia

Jeanette Garcia

Director, Producer and Screenwriter from Miami, Florida
John Daniel Pszyk

John Daniel Pszyk

Acting Teacher, Actor and Assistant Director from Frisco, Texas
Esther Farin

Esther Farin

From Miami, Florida
Ashley Fehr

Ashley Fehr

Actor, Crafty and Crew from Harleysville, Pennsylvania
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