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Trying to decide which service or executive from our roster is right for you? Email writerhelp@stage32.com for help!

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Choose your Genre & Executive

Available Executives for Drama

Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive D
Juliana Distefano

Literary Associate, Conner Literary

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Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive D
Eileen Cope

Literary Manager, Cope Media Group

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Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive D
Alexandra Grana

Literary Agent, Corvisiero Agency

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Available Executives for Horror

Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive H
Juliana Distefano

Literary Associate, Conner Literary

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Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive H
Alexandra Grana

Literary Agent, Corvisiero Agency

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Available Executives for Action

Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive A
Alexandra Grana

Literary Agent, Corvisiero Agency

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Available Executives for Comedy

Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive C
Juliana Distefano

Literary Associate, Conner Literary

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Available Executives for Family

Stage 32 Happy Writer Executive F
Juliana Distefano

Literary Associate, Conner Literary

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Author Career Development Program


NEW and Exclusive to Stage 32 - Our Author Career Development Program!

This program is designed to get you the proper information, guidance and actionable information you need to take your writing career to the next level. You will work directly with an executive or professional from the publishing industry regarding your work and your immediate and long-term writing career goals.

Here's how it works. You pick the executive of your choice. This provides you with completely transparency in who is reviewing your work and who you will be speaking with.


Here's What You Submit:

If you are a Published Author:

  • Your Bio
  • Overview of where you are at with your career (up to 2 pages)
  • Synopsis for up to 3 books (up to 3 pages)
  • Publishing information – Traditional publishing or self-published?
  • Sales figures and other pertinent data
  • First chapter of your book
  • 3 questions related to what you are looking to accomplish
  • Please make sure to also provide your preferred methods of contact for your call (phone numbers, a Skype handle, etc.)

If you are a Non-Published Author:

  • Your Bio
  • Overview of where you are at with your career (up to 2 pages)
  • Synopsis for up to 3 book concepts (up to 3 pages)
  • Publishing information – Traditional publishing or self-published?
  • Sales figures and other pertinent data
  • First chapter of your book
  • 3 questions related to what you are looking to accomplish
  • Please make sure to also provide your preferred methods of contact for your call (phone numbers, a Skype handle, etc.)

Your executive will review your entire portfolio and have a 60-minute (minimum) conversation with you to discuss all aspects and offer invaluable guidance.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a writer with a few books under their belt, traditionally published or self-published, or if you are looking to launch a career as a writer, our Career Development Program is designed to help you take the next step.

This is your chance to get direct access to working executives and professionals in the publishing space and to receive the accurate, honest, and actionable advice you and your writing deserve.


Here's What You Receive

  • 60 minute private phone call with a mentor (literary manager, producer, development executive, financier, development executive, etc) of your choice.
  • Detailed and specific answers on how you can best navigate your craft, career or project.
  • Advice from an industry executive who has experience in an area that you need guidance on to help take you to the next level you are trying to achieve.
  • Please note: This does not include a book read or coverage. 


Turnaround Time

  • Your executive will begin reading your submission upon receipt and your call will be scheduled within 21 Days


"Spencer was able to give it to me straight. He cut through the noise and made my game plan super clear on where I needed to take my project. Thank you so much Spencer!" - Alan F.

"In 60 minutes Anna helped me crack my second act that had been taking me months to figure out. THANK YOU STAGE 32. Wish I would have done this sooner." -Debbie M.


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