Greetings from Joshua Tree! Tree! I'm an award-winning, internationally published, career journalist and media producer with cross-platform experience in print, digital, radio, podcast, video, television, live events, and tours.
I currently am the creator, writer, host, and producer for a series that has had two seasons on PBS here in southern California, "Southwest Stories." I'm currently working on Season 3 of Southwest Stories, for national PBS distribution, Roku, and other platforms. I've been working with our crew and national historical nonprofits on grant-funded historical documentaries that are currently being broadcast on PBS in several states, as well as on the FNX (First Nations Experience) network. I handled writing (including grant application narratives) and producing for these documentaries.
I have been told by some folks in the industry that I have some great ideas, mostly rooted one way or another in history and literature, for some great films or series. I am a historian by education, a journalist by training, and a shantyman/pirate musician by nature. I'm here to connect with creative folks on all variety of levels, across any variety of media. I like seeing folks who haven't had much of a voice find theirs, and I like putting media to use to recognize and further creative cultural efforts and bring to light history that has been neglected or forgotten. I'm especially interested in the West, the Southwest, travel, culture, and, oddly enough, history from pirates to indigenous peoples, and contemporary issues.
Cheers! Steve "Shanghai" Brown
Unique traits: Historian, journalist, writer, producer, musician, pirate.
Southwest Stories Other ⋄ Documentary A desert rat journalist, historian and musician, rides out to experience the authentic American Southwest.
History and Change on the Old Spanish Trail
by Sun Runner Media
Writer, Producer A documentary on the section of the Old Spanish Trail, from Mountain Springs, Nevada, to Salt Creek, California in the Mojave Desert, focusing on the history of the trail, and the changing landscape of historical trails. Currently broadcast on PBS in Southern California and nationally on the FNX (First Nations Experience) network.
Wagon Master: Hansen's Hand-Crafted History
by Sun Runner Media
Producer A documentary on Hansen Wheel and Wagon Shop in South Dakota, a historical authority on 19th century horsedrawn transportation, and a leading builder and restorer of wagons and stagecoaches.
Southwest Stories with Steve Brown
Executive producer, writer, host
The Real Desert, with Steve Brown
Creator, host, writer, producer
2023 CCPRO Award for the Cacti Chronicles newspaper
2023 CCPRO Award for Wildland Fire Academy video
Portland State University
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