I specialize in creating immersive soundscapes and emotional connections through sound for films, advertisements, games, and much more.
What I Offer:
• Sound design
• Dialogue editing
• Ambiences & backgrounds
• Foley & effects
• Scoring & music editing
• Game sound design (UI sounds, character effects, environments, etc.)
• Mixing (stereo, 5.1, and Dolby Atmos)
Credits and Portfolio:
• IMDb: imdb.me/waldermartinez
• Portfolio:
Let’s connect!
My Seven Grandmas
by Johnick Petry
DIalogue Editor / Foley Artist Gigi - a 16-year-old atheist is stuck living with her Grandpa in MN BUT if she can convert him to Christianity surely one of the seven old ladies she just met will marry him and she can move back to CA. How hard could that be?
Senior Software Engineer
Film (short)
by Scott Danzig
re-recording mixer / sound designer / sound editor An grandma programmer allies with the ghost of her predecessor to satisfy her young, trendy influencer boss's latest ultimatum.
City Boy
by Legend
dialogue editor / foley artist / sound designer / sound mixer
La Última
Film (short)
by MalasIdeas / Fran Bueno
composer / dialogue editor / foley artist / sound designer / sound mixer
Absence of Innocence
by Legend
dialogue editor / sound designer / sound mixer Torris is used to having things his way. When he meets Drew her lack of interest in him piques his interest in her. Refusing to take no for an answer, Torris' growing obsession with Drew leads him down a path which leads to tragedy.
by Legend
dialogue editor / sound designer / sound mixer A female escort starts a relationship with a married man. He does not disclose that he's married, and she does not disclose that she's an escort setting the stage for conflict, pain, and remorse.
El Inquilino
Film (short)
by MalasIdeas / Luisito Perez
composer / dialogue editor / sound designer / sound mixer Jaime Figueroa viaja a Canarias para realizar una serie de conferencias sobre software informático. El piso que alquila es muy económico, céntrico y con algún que otro inconveniente.
Film (short)
by MalasIdeas / Luisito Perez / Fran Bueno
composer / dialogue editor / sound designer / sound mixer Cuando seas mayor harás cosas importantes, le decía su madre, treinta años después, Daniel Lago recibe una llamada que le hará cambiar el transcurso del mundo.
Essence of Love
Film (short)
by Monty Miranda
by Lathe Poland
re-recording mixer The film traces the origins of our beliefs about healthful and unhealthful food. Experts from all over the world talk about the problems as well as short and long term solutions. Among the many experts in the film are authors like Gary Taubes, Mark Sisson, and Melanie Warner. Medical doctors such as David Perlmutter M.D., David L. Katz, and Timothy Noakes share insights that are certain to challenge the status quo. Carb-Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat is a chronicle of the things it's writer and director Lathe Poland learned after he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. He sought to find out why he got sick, because he didn't fit the classic picture of an adult onset diabetes sufferer. He quickly learned that much of what he knew about healthy eating was based on myths or fifty year old science. In the film he searches out why Americas modern food culture is killing us. The upside? There is a lot that can be done!
El Elegido
Film (short)
by Sam Garcia
Perros del Fin del Mundo
by Juan Dickinson
El Grito en la Sangre
by Fernando Musa
Composer En algún lugar del interior de la Argentina, la creencia popular sostiene que cuando un hombre muere a traición, éste debe ser vengado por su primogénito, para que esa alma descanse en paz.
NYFA - "We Are Rivers"
Huelva Film Festival - "La Última"
Santa Cruz Film Festival - "Perros del Fin del Mundo"