Winter Maza

Winter Maza

Actor, Playwright and Screenwriter

Englewood, Colorado

Member Since:
November 2013
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Winter

A half - century old dog learning the new tricks of Independent film making and screenwriting. I've worked and on occasion still do, as an actor on Independent film and stage.

SimianCro Films - was created out necessity for older actors (like myself) and older with the Motto "All people have problems, not just the pretty people"I have worked union for over 25 yrs in the IBEW. So When I cast a part it isn't because of "looks" it's best man or woman for the part. I don't do "types" I don't see life as either right or wrong but in the grey and full of color. I have seen many films, foreign and domestic that also follow this.




  • Heirloom

    Heirloom Fantasy Other none at this time  

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