W. Jeff Crawford

W. Jeff Crawford

PA Films LLC

East Berlin, Pennsylvania

Member Since:
October 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About W.

QUICK NOTE: I DO NOT accept friend requests from people who are looking to "up their friends count". I don't consider that networking. I want quality connections.

I AM A PRODUCER. I am a "forms and contracts" Producer. I can do many other things and I am not afraid to do them, but I am a Producer, first and foremost. And I tend to select productions with a budget greater than $100,000, so I know it can be done right. I have worked on numerous "indie" productions that didn't have cash and it showed. And I have also worked on productions where they didn't have cash and I did quite a bit to make it seem like they did. I have even been in that boat. But I am stepping up from that now to productions that are serious about what they want to accomplish, even putting my own, personal work on hold.

Please, call me Jeff, NOT "W". I am a Producer from East Berlin, PA. I have worked on dozens of movie and television productions. Some my own; many other people's work. I do other assorted things in the business, but most notably I am a father to my wonderful children, a co-owner of PA Films, and an author. Always working on something, so they say. "I have a several projects in development," I tell my filmmaking friends. I help where I can to make sure that filmmaking is a successful process for so many. I never relax, but I'm not high-strung. And I really do love this stuff. I'm not in this for wealth, power, or fame. I just want to tell stories.

Unique traits: Large stature, big teddy bear, powerful.



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