On Stage With RB (May 2016) is Now Available To Watch On-Demand!

Posted by Stage 32 Staff - Julie

The May 2016 edition of On Stage With RB had a very special guest, Uma Incrocci. They talked about the SAG New Media and Ultra Low Budget contracts, and the best tips for actors to make a splash in the industry.

On Stage With RB (May 2016)

Uma Incrocci, has worked in every area of the business from commercials to TV to web series to audiobooks. She worked extensively in regional and New York theater and co-produced/co-wrote the pilot Living in Captivity (official selection, NY Television Festival and LA’s Independent Television Festival). Now working out of LA, Uma’s TV credits include appearances on “How To Get Away With Murder,” “Jane The Virgin,” Hulu’s new show “The Path,” “Bored to Death,” “Louie,” “Pan Am,” “Lipstick Jungle,” and “Chappelle’s Show.” She’s also been in a wide variety of indie films as well the Jason Bateman comedy, “The Longest Week.”

Then, we went into a 2 hour Q&A session! Topics included:

  • The short film contract is also interesting. If the script is 30 pp or fewer and the budget is 50k or less a SAG actor like me can do a short film on a deferred payment basis. I am about to do a film for the fellow who was my DP on my short.
  • In regards to emails, how can someone differentiate from a legit email to a spam email?

  • Is it worth it to share ALL your credits on your resume when going in for the audition or just highlight the key ones?

  • Hey new to Stage 32, I’m an aspiring screenwriter, thinking about becoming an aspiring actor as well. I've taken a little improv but my funds are a little low to continue. How do I continue my education on a severely limited budget?
  • For someone hoping to go to Cannes for his first time, what is the best way to prepare for the visit? What's really the most important thing to achieve?
  • Do you happen to know if the Cannes Film Festival accepts short films?
  • Thank you! Love the "Control your own material" conversation! Can you talk more about the original programming interest in Cannes?
  • Can you recommend a few film festivals to submit to for a foreign short film?
  • Sony head is out, what is with all the studio heads leaving in 2016?
  • Are set top boxes, like Sky Stream, ROKU, Apple TV, Fire, etc. helping or hurting the Hollywood industry? Why?
  • What are your thoughts on STX’s long term viability as a studio?
  • What is the relationship with Chinese Production Companies and Hollywood Producers and Executive Producers?
  • Speaking of changing paradigms, what else besides TV emerging as a hot, major market now is happening in the world of filmmaking?
  • Any advice for someone who has worked more for "TV" and transitioning into film, and should they hold their credits high since TV and score for film is different.
  • Regarding writing TV pilots; when giving a pitch, particularly on Stage32, should you offer if you have written not just a pilot but additional episodes for a first season or multiple seasons?
  • Over the course of the last 20 years, I've built a relationship/friendship with a TV Director/Exe Producer. We've had 4 meetings over the past year. Three weeks ago he told me he sent my pilot project to a SVP of Scripted Programming at a major network. No word from him since. I emailed him last Wed and haven't heard back. What's my next move?
  • What about the reality TV saturation? Is there still a viable market?
  • Do you have any advice for stuntmen looking to reach out beyond their region?
  • I was a working crewmember years ago and went back to school to learn tech. But now I'm finding my previous crew work is not helping me get film work any longer. Should I give up on crew work and focus on my writing and producing?
  • What does the term IP mean? Can you break it down for us?
  • In prepping for the Austin Film Fest, what 3 things would you focus on leading up to it (besides entering the contests) if you were an as-of-yet unsigned writer?
  • Hi There, I'm looking for a DP and stunt person on the Stage 32 app, but I'm having a difficult time finding them. I click the 'People' tab at the bottom and I only have the option of filtering between Everyone and My Network. I want to search for people not in my network, so I choose Everyone. But the list is huge. Am I searching wrong? Is there any way to add filters. IE: job description, years experience, and location (IE: states). Thanks!
  • Your thoughts on Facebook Live as a platform for your work?
  • What are the best ways to network with independent financiers? Any events?
  • Does Stage 32 have any special tools to help filmmakers promote their crowdfunded film?
  • What words do you say to graciously NOT recommend someone who's work you do not yet want to endorse (or know you never want to endorse) when they ask for a recommendation to one of your big fish connections?
  • I am moving soon to a new market and will be looking for a new agent. I know they are different everywhere. What are some basic red flags to look for when trying to get an agent?
  • How can I make sure my script is ready to start entering into festivals and pitching to producers?
  • Thoughts on how to diagnose & remedy the problem(s) with a structure that just isn't working in a screenplay?
  • I just finish writing my first screenplay, what would be the best next step as far as casting, investors etc. on a limited non-budget?
  • Do I need to copyright my screenplay?
  • Do you have a character that you’ve written that just stays with you? How do you detach so you can move on to a new story?

To watch the May 2016 edition of On Stage With RB, click here.

To view past On Stage With RB broadcasts, please click here now.

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