Posted by Nicholas Patrick

I want to let you in on a secret that no accomplished composer wants you to know. So why am I telling you? Honestly, it’s because I am a teacher and it’s just in my blood to teach. The thing is, I will actually be making my life much harder by teaching you this secret because as many of you know, it is extremely competitive in the world of film score composing. It’s not because there are just soooo many unbelievably talented composers out there, it’s simply because there are just so many fighting for the same job. You’d be surprised how many do not know the secret I am about to reveal and now, you will have the edge to be selected from all of the rest. 

Are you ready for it ? Here it comes…




Wow!!! not exactly earth shattering is it, but melody is everything. A memorable melody can skyrocket a movie into the stars. The melody is what truly gives a movie it’s soul and the scores from the greatest movies of all time have a central melody.


I am going to teach you how to write such a melody in this video blog.

About Nicholas Patrick:

Nicholas produces custom made / any genre soundtracks for films, TV, ads, video games and artists... Completely from scratch. You order it, he delivers it fully composed, recorded, edited, mixed, mastered and broadcast ready just a few days later... sometimes within mere hours. No more searching endlessly for what you need in online libraries. No more settling on anything and just trying to make it fit. No more settling on a sound because you can't afford the licensing...

Nicholas is a film score composer and has composed for a nike commercial and will be composing for a TV series 'clash of the vampires', he has also composed for various short films

He teaches part-time, offers private lessons in music production, guitar, piano, aural skills, song writing, orchestral film score composition, orchestration. Also, he teaches audio engineering skills such as recording, MIDI, editing, mixing, mastering, syncing audio to video, multiple applications of audio gear such as EQ, compression, gates, expanders, reverberation, etc. He is expert in operating and teaching the latest editions of Pro Tools digital audio workstation.

Nicholas attended an audio engineering school where he graduated at the top of his class. During his Military career, Nicholas held top secret security clearance as a cryptologist and if he told you more he'd have to kill you... No seriously. Nicholas hopes to compose and produce music for film, TV, advertisements, video games and other media.

When he is not composing or producing music, Nicholas handles all business activities for Digital Theory Productions, including marketing, public relations, business development and e-commerce maintenance.


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