Posted by Richard "RB" Botto
Last year, Brittni Brown and Jenna Palermo won our Stage 32 Happy Writers 1st Annual Feature contest with their script NEVERBRIDES. We set them up with meetings all over town including at Warner Bros., Lionsgate and Ineffable Pictures to name a few.
After a meeting with manager Seth Nagel at Infinity Management Group International, Seth signed Brittni and Jenna and went to work on getting their screenplay out there. We're thrilled to announce that NEVERBRIDES was recently optioned by and is in development at a major television network! We'll be following the progress and bringing more updates to you as they happen!
Please help me in congratulating Brittni and Jenna on this incredible achievement! As we say, our contests are all about access and opportunity!

Here's a video of Brittni and Jenna speaking about their Stage 32 experience:

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Understanding The Option Agreement For Your Screenplay
Part II: Reality Checks from an Inspirational Cripple
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