Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the weekend everyone. And to the return of the Weekend Blog.

The last 3 weeks have been quite the whirlwind. My thanks to the fine people at ITVFest and the Austin Film Festival for having and hosting me. Now it’s time to prepare for AFM along with a number of cool initiatives we’re preparing for our Stage 32 members.

Until then, here’s a weekend’s worth of content. As always, I welcome remarks and thoughts on any of the content below in the Comments section.

Enjoy, and have a creative weekend!




Stage 32 Joins Forces With the American Film Market! As you know, we are big supporters of AFM and all they do to connect producers, financiers and distributors all over the world. To be recognized in such fashion is truly an honor and I thank head honcho, Jonathan Wolf, not only for all the support, but for his friendship as well. In an effort to give back to the film community, we are offering all attendees who sign up for an AFM badge a FREE Stage 32 Next Level Webinar to assist in furthering their careers. Click here to watch the video and get the details of this amazing opportunity!

Script Feedback From Producers - It's very difficult for writers, when you have worked on something that has most likely taken a year or more to complete with all the blood, sweat and tears that's gone into it, you then send off your baby out into the world and you wait expectantly for a producer to write back to you and tell you that your script is the best thing they've ever read and they want to option it immediately. That may happen to some and I think it's probably very rare that it does first time round, but then it actually comes back with an in-depth story of everything they feel is wrong with your script, so your immediate reaction is to think they 'hate it' and you're thinking about everything bad you would like to say or do to said producer. Click here for all the information you need to understand the feedback you feedback you receive!

Nine Tips to Take Back Control of Your Emails - mail technology is amazing, I love it, however as much as it can empower us, it can overwhelm us. Staying in control of your emails allows you to save time and focus on other areas of your life so that you have the energy to get done what you want to get done. With our computers in our pockets, our biggest challenge today as successful actors (and creatives in general) is avoiding interruption by our emails. Most successful professionals know how to control their emails instead of letting them run their day, and so we need to be able to do that too. Click here to get the details on how to clean up that messy mail box! 


Release Windows & Strategy: VOD, SVOD, AVOD, Broadcast (On Demand) In this exclusive webinar, Chad will break down the very important topic of how to window the release of your film. Making sure that you are going to market during the most opportune time is key to a successful distribution strategy. Chad will give you an overview of VOD, SVOD & AVOD and explain the evolution of windowing strategies and why & when it makes sense to break with the traditional windowing strategies. He'll also go over the revenue expectations, deal strategy basics and give you a comprehensive look so you are prepared when it's time to release your film.

What You'll Learn:

  • Windowing The Release of Your Film: VOD, SVOD & AVOD Strategy Intelligence
  • Explain the differences between VOD/TVOD, SVOD and AVOD
  • Subscription Video-On-Demand (examples of primary SVOD platforms & new upstarts)
  • Advertising Supported Video-On-Demand (examples & how this is different from television)
  • Briefly discuss variances of the way each title is presented within each window.

And much, much more! Click here to register now!

The Art of Networking to Build Your Brand (On Demand) In order to be successful, building your brand is something that you should ALWAYS be doing. There is never an on & off switch for opportunity. You never know who you are going to meet and where in the film industry. In this Stage 32 Next Level Webinar, entertainment marketing and branding expert Jennifer Winberg (Marketing Strategist for mini and major studios - Disney, Fox, Sony, Lionsgate, and Gravitas Ventures) will teach you how to network in order to build your brand. Your host, Jennifer will use her 10 years of experience to walk you through setting up your film brand online, the tools and resources needed, finding community, and even how to navigate those industry meetups and happy hours.

What You'll Learn:

  • The Importance of Building Your Network
  • Defining Your Brand to Help You Stand Out in the Industry
  • Website
  • Business Cards
  • Social Media
  • Newsletter
  • Communities
  • How to Navigate A Film Networking Event

And much more! Don't miss this important webinar! Click here to register now! 


Crafting Scene Descriptions: Make Your Prose Leap Off the Page! (Tues, Nov. 1) In this Stage 32 Next Level Webinar, screenwriter Steve Desmond will help you to elevate your descriptive writing to a professional level. He’ll help you to develop the tone of your story right on the page, long before it hits the screen. And he’ll dispel myths and go over how not to write scene description. Whether you’re working on an existing script or getting ready to start a new one, this webinar will help you to unleash your potential in prose writing and make the most out of every word in your screenplay. Click here to register for the seminar now!

Pitch Opportunities





Wizard Mode Filmmakers on Why They Went the Digital Distribution Route 

Colin Firth & Ged Doherty Take Lessons From Filmmaking For Dummies To Hatch Two Genuine Oscar Contenders 

Why High-Concept TV Shows Are Suddenly All the Rage (Again)

Horror Movies Make Tough Times Less Scary for Studios

California’s $330M Film Incentives Are Working as Expected – And Then Some 

Wanda’s Massive Studio Plans Leave Hollywood Anxious 

Warner Bros Sues Innovative Artists For Oscar Screener Piracy Of ‘Creed’ + More 

Kevin Costner Suit Seeks $3.85M for Film Festival 'Fraud' 

SAG-AFTRA “Remains Committed To Negotiations” To End Video Game Strike 

DGA Reaches Deal On Network Staff Agreement 

Apple CEO: Producing and Owning Original Content Is ‘Great Opportunity for Us’ 

Remembering John Candy 

Give Me Restrained Filmmaking, Right Now 

BBC Worldwide & Access Entertainment Eyeing Major Drama Funding Deal 


How ‘Mr. Robot’ Creator Hacked the TV Model

Werner Herzog’s Greatest Hits Get the Supercut Treatment, Thanks to Netflix

Watch: Kubrick’s Influence on A.I.: Artificial Intelligence


6 Signs Your Productivity Obsession is Totally Backfiring 

How to Develop and Nurse a Theme Throughout Your Narrative 

A Distribution Checklist of Deliverables 

Basic Lighting Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank 

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As always, we welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the Comments section below...


November Write Club: Let’s do this—again!
Stage 32 Joins Forces With the American Film Market!
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