We’ve come so far! We have reached the heart, the meat of the matter. We have nearly arrived at the midpoint of our 30-day endeavors.
As writers we know “midpoint” is often the moment a protagonist faces a major revelation or reversal and must move forward. And as we soon reach the halfway point of our writing exercise, I can’t help but see a correlation to our own journeys this month.
During the first two weeks of November Write Club, we kicked off with much excitement and fortitude amid some setbacks and struggles. But from this point forward, we must dig in and carry through to the end.
I don’t care how stoic you are, or how fast you write, or how independent you may be—your work is a bit better, your imagination soars higher, your heart grows larger when you've got a community creating alongside you, rooting for you, pouring you a fresh cup of coffee when you’re feeling frustrated and in need of a boost.
The only thing standing between fade in and fade out is us. Together, we got this!
As our quest to put thoughts on paper and our projects to bed enters its third week, it’s time to check in: How are you doing? Have you altered your goals? What obstacles have you had to work around? Is the end in sight?
Please share your progress, your thoughts and experience this week. Ask craft questions, offer help, provide tips and possible resources in the comment section below.
Let’s continue to support, inspire and cheer each other on throughout our 30-day endeavors.
Beth Fox Heisinger is a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. Aspiring screenwriter and artist located in the Seattle area.
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