10 More Days of Writing! What's Your Routine?

Posted by Erik Grossman

Hello fellow scribes! We're coming up on the final stretch of Stage 32's 2nd Annual November Write Club and today I'd like to talk about routine!

It's been twenty days of writing each day, every day and we've got ten more to go! This is the final stretch to get your writing in and keep your habits strong. That's what writing is really about, routine. Every successful writer has a schedule they stick to, and the best make it a daily habit to follow that routine in order to keep writing.

Shopping and grocery lists don't count. We're talking about getting your creative juices flowing each and every day. The best part about getting this practice down is that it's a lot like physical exercise: once you've made it a routine, you'll find you have the energy on tap whenever you need! It's great! It's magical!

10 More Days of Writing Whats Your RoutineIt's kind of like this.

So in these final days of Write Club, let's focus on perfecting the routine. Let's get to the point where December 1st comes around and we're still writing each day, every day! Sure, you may want to get a little more focused on what you're writing, but as long as you're putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys, or chisel to stone for our older crowd) then you're doing it right. There's no excuse to not be writing - we are writers. If we're not writing, then what are we? Simple:

10 More Days of Writing Whats Your Routine 

Hopefully, in this home stretch we'll all get to the point where it's not just this month, but for the rest of this year and the year to come. So saddle up, eat your vitamins, down some booze, whatever your habits may be to get you writing - do it! Maybe not the booze thing because then you'll become dependent on an altered state of mind in order to produce, but the point stands! Pre-writing routines are just as important as writing itself.

What's your pre-writing routine? How do you get "in the zone"? Personally, I down a red/blue 7-11 slurpee, and do a little jig.

10 More Days of Writing Whats Your Routine



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