Welcome to the last Weekend Blog of 2016! Full slate again this week. Hollywood may slow down this time of year, but the news keeps coming fast and furious. And, of course, as per usual, I have all the tricks and tips plus all the happenings in and around Stage 32.
Please feel free to pay it forward and share this blog with anyone you think might find it useful. And, as always, I welcome your thoughts, rants, and musings in the Comments section below.
Have a terrific, creative and safe holiday weekend!
17 Traits Creatives Can Learn From John McClane - Have you ever wondered if you have more troubles in your life than other people? Or wonder if everyone else has an easier life than you? As a creative, I'm sure you have at some point or another. Well, cheer up. There is someone else who is always in the wrong place at the wrong time and has it harder than all of us. If you're not aware, there are five Die Hard movies: Die Hard (1988), Die Hard 2 (1990), Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995), Live Free or Die Hard (2007) and A Good Day to Die Hard (2013). All are unique in their own way and star Bruce Willis as the lead character, John McClane.
He is a strong and capable protagonist who finds himself in difficult situations, yet he gets what he wants. He is a common-man-hero to be inspired by. Every time I feel down, I watch Die Hard from these best Netflix movies and guess what? I end up feeling motivated to work even harder. There is a reason why all the Die Hard movies were commercially successful. They are more than just action and comedy, they are inspiring. Click here to find all the amazing traits that you can learn from John McClaine!
4 Benefits of Having a Collection Account on a Film or TV Production - Nowadays many independent film productions work with collection accounts. Institutional financiers, production partners and international sales agents often require a collection account before committing to a independent film or a TV project.
A collection account is an account opened in the name of an independent, neutral third party collection account manager (the so called CAM), who receives the worldwide revenues generated by the exploitation of a film or TV project (minimum guarantees and overages, or together royalties) from the local distributors on behalf of the multiple beneficiaries of a film or TV project. This is called Collection Account Management and it is a tool to guaranty that the beneficiaries of the film or the TV project receive their share of the revenues. The beneficiaries include the sales agent, the producers, the financiers, talent and equity investors in the film or may be any other company or individual that is entitled to a share of the worldwide revenues. Click here to get all of the benefits of having this type of account.
Stage 32 Animation Fellowship - Some of the most intelligent and inspirational filmmaking has come to light recently through the incredible work of animators around the world. With recent hits such as Zootopia, Inside Out, Finding Dory, My Secret Life of Pets, My Life as a Zucchini and more winning over global audiences, there is no denying that animation is here to stay. Plus, there is no denying that genius animators are being found from all corners of the globe.
With that in mind, we introduce the Stage 32 Animation Fellowship. Stage 32 is looking to bring animators from around the world the opportunity to be exposed to some of the largest animation industry movers and shakers.
We’re looking to uncover some of the world's top undiscovered animation talent and put your work on a global platform for animation professionals to take notice. One lucky winner will move on to have an animation fellowship with some of the industry's top professionals as mentors. But, it doesn't end there. We will chose the top 5-10 animated films to go on to be screened at Animaze International Animation Festival in Montreal, plus to a global audience on Stage 32. Click here to get all the details on this program!
Thanks to the digital revolution, today's screenwriters are enjoying opportunities that didn't exist a generation ago. But for all the innovation, one thing hasn't changed: the need for a team of first-rate industry professionals to help writers get in - and stay in - the Business.
Michael Colleary has 30+ years in the Hollywood trenches as a working studio screenwriter and producer in both features and television. In this exclusive webinar, he'll explain the screenwriter's unique role in a complex industry; the partners you need on your team - agents, lawyers, managers, and the Writers Guild, among others; and the skills and habits required for a long-term studio screenwriting career.
Are you an actor looking to make the leap from educational theater to professional theater? Or have you built an on-camera career but would like to work in theater more? Outside the major markets of New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, there is a lot of work for actors in Regional Theaters all over the country. Building a career in theater requires a strong working knowledge of the business, how to build relationships with casting directors, and how to best market yourself.
In this Stage 32 Next Level Webinar, actors Uma Incrocci and Christian Pedersen will walk you through each step of advancing your career in theater. They’ll share from their own experiences auditioning for and working in Regional Theaters, tours and off-Broadway.
To register and get the full list of things you will learn, click here!
Pitch Opportunities
Daniel Ross Noble - Manager, Scripted Programming, Thinkfactory Media - Wednesday, January 4th · 3:30 - 5:10 PM PST - Specializes in TV pilots of all genres.
Agustine Calderon - Development Executive, RatPac Entertainment - Saturday, January 7th · 10:00 - 11:40 AM PST - Specializes in action, comedy, horror, sci-fi and thriller features & TV pilots.
Tiffany Grant - Head of Television, Solar Drive Productions (CBS Studios) - Saturday, January 7th · 1:30 - 3:10 PM PST - Specializes in TV pilots.
David Hurst - Creative Executive, Lincoln Square Productions - ABC - Saturday, January 7th · 2:30 - 4:10 PM PST - Specializes in drama and thriller TV pilots.
‘Passengers’: Why It Took a Decade to Launch a Black List Darling
How ‘Hell or High Water,’ ‘Arrival’ Screenwriters Use Genre to Talk About Today’s America
Scripted Originals Hit Record 455 in 2016, FX Study Finds
Indies Enjoy Their Glory Moments After Surviving Demanding Year
Studios, Theaters Reignite Talks for 17-Day Theatrical Window
DGA Reaches Deal for New Film and TV Pact
On Strike! More Than 1,000 Make WGA’s Year-End Strike/Unfair List
Carrie Fisher, Child of Hollywood and Droll Observer of Celebrity
35 Directors Pick Their Favorite Movies of 2016
The Irishman’: Martin Scorsese’s Film Has Tested Technology To De-Age Robert De Niro
How Scorsese Sketched the Bloody Boxing Scenes in ‘Raging Bull’
Sound Mixers and Editors Create Realism in Their Oscar-Contending Films
Oscar Contenders in Production Design Evoke Past, Present and Future
Film Factory Budapest, Where Hollywood Dreams are Made
Critics Blamed for Chinese Films' Disappointing Box Office
Watch Carrie Fisher's Audition for 'Star Wars: A New Hope'
Watch Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher Share the Stage at the 2015 SAG Awards
Want to Be Super Successful? Science Says Do Any 1 of These 10 Things
The Rental House Rules: How to Get the Most of Your Equipment Rental House
Building Trust in the Industry is Crucial for Acting Success
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2017 New Years Resolution Series |
Stage 32 Animation Fellowship |
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