Hey guys. Happy weekend.
A really interesting news week, including updates on two stories we've covered extensively on Stage 32.
Fallout from the Sarah Jones, Midnight Rider, tragedy continues. Star, William Hurt, has quit the project and now it's been revealed that one of the producers of the film made some controversial comments about local filming days before the accident.
Quentin Tarantino finally held his table reading for Hateful Eight mere days before it was announced that his lawsuit against Gawker was being dismissed (although it can be refined).
And it was a crazy week on the home distribution front. Amazon locked up a deal with HBO. Apple's CEO criticized the Amazon deal. Nexflix not only announced they're raising prices for new subscribers, but also expressed their intentions to broadcast their first Spanish language series.
All of these articles and more can be found under ENTERTAINMENT NEWS.
I also have dozens of the top Stage 32 Lounge conversations from the last week, the latest planned and proposed Stage 32 Meetups, trailers and tips.
Enjoy and have a great weekend!
In case you missed it, Stage 32 acquired The Happy Writers! The new entity is called the Stage 32 Happy Writers. You can read more about it here and here. You can access the site here: Stage 32 Happy Writers
Our last Introduce Yourself Weekend was an absolute smash. Thank you to all who contributed, welcomed, and took the time to post. And congratulations to all of you who made significant network connections.
On the Stage 32 education and opportunity front, we have four exciting opportunities on the horizon:
First, screenwriting career coach and author of Getting It Write, Lee Jessup, is teaching a 4 week master class: Breaking Into the Industry – Creating and Maintaining a Screenwriting Career. With over 20 years of industry experience and exposure, there is simply no one better to teach this class than Lee. Space is limited. Click here for more information and to register: Breaking Into the Industry - Creating and Maintaining a Screenwriting Career
Second, Garrick Dion, one of our most popular Stage 32 Happy Writer Executives, and the producer of such films as DRIVE and this year's Sundance winner and Cannes entrant, WHIPLASH, is teaching an 8 week master lab: First Level Working Writer's Lab. This is the 3rd time Garrick is teaching this lab for Stage 32. The first two times were by invite only. This time around, all writers are welcome. However, there are only 20 spots available (less now). For more information on how to attend this class and learn from a Sundance winning producer, click here: First Level Working Writer's Lab
Third, this Tuesday, 30 year filmmaking veteran, John Keedwell, will be hosting our exclusive Next Level Webinar, Introduction to Shooting on DSLR. This is a 90 minute (minimum) webinar plus Q&A session. The amount of ground John will be covering is nothing short of staggering. You can learn more and register here: Intro to Shooting on DSLR
And finally, Pitchfest XV – Horror/Suspense/Thriller begins Saturday. Filmmakers and screenwriters are invited to pitch. By popular demand, we have added a 2nd session for Romel Adam of Ghost House Pictures. To see all remaining slots available and to register, click here: Online Pitchfest XV: Horror/Suspense/Thriller
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