On Stage With RB - August 2014

Posted by Stage 32 Staff - Julie

It's that time again! We are excited to bring you the August edition of On Stage With RB - a FREE Stage 32 Next Level Webinar available to the first 1,000 Stage 32 members who register. Whether you have a been long time Stage 32 member or just joined, this is an exciting educational (and entertaining) webinar we offer once a month FREE to our members.

Our Founder & CEO, Richard Botto, will be going over some of the new Stage 32 site features to help maximize your use of the site. Then, RB will open up the floor to you, our Stage 32 members, to answer any questions you have - whether they are about the site, your chosen craft, the industry or even what movies he's seen lately.

Each On Stage with RB has maxed out and had 1,000 members attend from all over the world. During the last On Stage With RB, RB spent over 2 hours answering your questions! This is your opportunity to enhance your Stage 32 experience or simply ask anything on your mind.

Remember, this webinar is only open to the first 1,000 who register, but it will be made available On Demand for the entire network within 48 hours of the broadcast!

Mark your calendars for the August edition of On Stage With RB!

Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Time: 1:00pm PDT

To register: click here now!

To view past On Stage With RB broadcasts, please click here now!

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RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions, and Other Fun Stuff (August 8th, 2014)
Taking it to the Streets
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