I'm not afraid to say, and I say it with zero ego, but when it comes to the dreams of those who choose a life of creating for film, television and theater, I want to change the world. -- RB, Founder and CEO, Stage 32
This morning, The Huffington Post published an article on Stage 32 called The Life Out Loud: Fostering a Creative Community written by New York Times best-selling author, MeiMei Fox.
Needless to say, I'm thrilled, honored and thankful. My (and my staff's) deepest appreciation to MeiMei for such a thoughtful and comprehensive piece.
There's a link to the article below. I ask that you please take a moment to use
The Huffington Post's social media buttons to share across as many platforms as possible. It would also mean a great deal to me if you would post any thoughts or remarks in comments section of the article directly on
The Huffington Post's page.
Thank you!