Posted by Amanda Toney

A few months ago we launched our new Meetup section, so Stage 32 members could take their networking offline and meet others in their area to collaborate with. We've had hundreds of Meetups occur since then. I personally have hosted a Stage 32 Meetup in Ireland, Washington DC, Austin, San Fransico and Los Angeles, and have met some pretty incredible people at each Meetup.

I hope you utilize this fantastic free feature of Stage 32, and to help you do so I've complied and answered some common questions regarding how Stage 32 Meetups work. I've then made a list of all of the Stage 32 Meetups currently set up for June around the world so you can easily see if there is one coming up near you.

1 - Can anyone set up a Stage 32 Meetup?

Yes. Any member of Stage 32 can plan a Stage 32 Meetup. To get started, all you have to do is go to the main Stage 32 MEETUP page and click on "Add a Meetup". You may want to check if there is already a Meetup happening in your area around that time. You can do that through our search bar and by browsing the Meetup calendar on the main Stage 32 Meetup page (left hand side).

2 - Can I invite non Stage 32 members to a Stage 32 Meetup?

Absolutely. However, we hope you'll invite them to become members of Stage 32 as well! Remember, you can invite anyone you feel would benefit from the network through our INVITE section.

3 - Can I set up a Stage 32 Meetup for a specific discipline (screenwriting, actors, filmmakers, for example)?

Of course! Many Stage 32 Meetups are all inclusive networking affairs. However, many of our members have formed regular screenwriter, actor, filmmaker, etc, Meetups as well. Just be sure you specify this in the title of your Stage 32 Meetup.

4 - Can I upload photos from the meetup?

Yes! On the meetup page you can upload your photos from the meetup. All photos go to the Stage 32 Meetup Gallery and can be shared on social media.

5 - How do I know if there's a meetup in my area?

It's easy, just click the MEETUPS section on the Stage 32 menu bar and you'll be taken right there!

Upcoming Stage 32 Meetups Happening Around The World:

Don't see a Meetup happening near you? Create one now!

If you have any further questions about how to use the Meetup section here on Stage 32, I'm happy to answer them for you in the comments section below!

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As always, we welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the Comments section below...

What is Stage 32 Anyway? IndieWire Answers.
RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (June 5, 2015)
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