Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

Stage 32 3.0 presents a cleaner, sleeker, more manageable posting interface along with easier navigation so you can find and utilize all the resources and features the site has to offer. While there’s plenty to explore (and more on the way), we thought we would cover 2 areas of the site that have been updated or modified. This will offer some clarity on the purpose of each section and how best to use the site:

1 – Main Menu Bar


Your Home page now has a completely different look. Similar to Facebook, on the Home page feed you’ll see all the activity from everyone in your network delivered in sleek, easy to read panels.

You will notice that you have 4 options at the top: Post to Wall, Post to Lounge, Upload a Photo, Upload a Video – Let’s cover those briefly.

  • Post to Wall – A post to your wall is only seen by the people in your network.We’ve now made it incredibly easy to add a photo or a video to a wall post simply by clicking on the appropriate icon below the text box.
  • Post to Lounge – A post to the Lounge is seen by potentially everyone on Stage 32.Those who subscribe to that Lounge topic or are in your network will automatically receive the post in their Home page feed.
  • Upload a Photo – We highly recommend sharing your headshots, on set candids or any other photos you’d like.Photos uploaded here will be seen on your wall and in the photos section on your profile page. You can caption and receive comments on your photos as well.
  • Upload a Video (or Audio File)– We also highly recommend sharing videos and audio files on your wall – this includes reels, clips, composing files, voice acting samples, trailers, etc.Again, you can caption and receive comments as well. Media files uploaded here will be seen on your wall and in the Video/Audio section on your profile page.

2 – Stage 32 Lounge (changes and updates)

We solicited feedback from the community and greatly adjusted the scope, navigation and feel of the Stage 32 Lounge.

You’ll notice that we streamlined quite a few topics while adding a few new ones as well.This will make it easier than ever to find the appropriate forum to discuss, share content or offer tips and advice on any craft, business or general discussion topics or simply contribute to existing threads.

We've also added a notification number next to individual Lounge topics to let you know how many new threads have been started within that topic since you either last reloaded or last logged on - You can see an example of this by the 1 next to Transmedia in the screenshot below.

Please remember that Stage 32 has a No Spam Policy and that we recommend that all members promote and brand themselves and their projects organically. We do allow for a one time posting of promotional items or requests for feedback on reels, loglines, films, and anything else you’d like to post. We’ve even created a new section for you to do this: Your Stage! You can find this new section at the bottom of the main Lounge page.

The Stage 32 Lounge currently has nearly 70,000 conversations, which are all searchable via keyword.To make this easier, we’ve brought the search bar front and center on the main Lounge page.

These are just some of the notable changes and updates on Stage 32 3.0! There is plenty more to explore. Over the next few weeks we’ll be rolling out updates on other sections of site as well.

This massive undertaking was handled by Senior Web Developer, Tomasz Mieczkowski, who showed vision, resourcefulness and creativity beyond compare completing this project.The entire Stage 32 team thanks Tomasz for his efforts! Big thanks to Stage 32 CTO, Derrick Ontiveros, for providing assistance and support throughout.

We ask that you share the news of Stage 32 3.0 on your other social media outlets, or your personal site or blog or anywhere else you deem appropriate.

And, of course, we welcome feedback and reports on any bugs you may find while using and experiencing the site.

Thanks, and have an awesome day.

Like this blog post? Please share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) by using social media buttons at the top of the blog. Or post to your personal blog and anywhere else you feel appropriate. Thank you.

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