Posted by Ross Putman
Richard "RB" Botto Richard "RB" Botto

Producer Ross Putman, a long-time Sundance attendee, now with a film there for the first time, will check in with us before, during, and after the festival so you can see - in his words - "the complete degeneration of his mental well-being." He also hopes that you can get a feel for the coolness and craziness of America's best film festival.

Ross's film, First Girl I Loved, directed by Kerem Sanga and starring Dylan Gelula (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) and Brianna Hildebrand (Deadpool) will be premiering at the Sundance Film Festival next week and we are thrilled to take the Stage 32 community to live vicariously through his journey.

If you want to go to Sundance...this is your chance.



These are the ramblings of a sleep-deprived (Sundance-bound) madman***

Seriously. Do you remember that episode of Breaking Bad where Walter writes off his questionable disappearance by claiming that he went into a "fugue state?" Ever since being introduced to that delightful term, I've decided that "fugue state" is my favorite way to describe my day: long stretches of time pass by in which I'm not sure what I'm doing, yet things get done--items are checked off on my lists. Emails are emailed. I'm fairly sure I compulsively sweep the floor when I'm on conference calls.
Yep--I'm preparing for Park City, and I am fugue-ing. Hard.
This is my sixth time going to Sundance as a fan, but my first time going as a filmmaker. For those of you going for the first time ever at all, here are some fun bucket-list type things I suggest you try!
1) Not pay for any food while you're there and survive entirely on hors d'oeuvres served at cocktail parties
2) Maintain a robust, un-diseased speaking voice
3) Go to bed before 2AM every night
You'll make attempts. Some will succeed. Others will fail. But you will have a good time. And you will see some excellent films. The list of movies I've seen and absolutely, positively loved at Sundance is pretty long. Whiplash, The End of the Tour, Upstream Color, Only Lovers Left Alive, A Most Wanted Man...
And now I'm there, with a movie I produced, that I really hope others might like even just a little bit too.
It's weird. And scary.
Oh God, suddenly it's all-consumingly scary.
But that's OK. Sundance is weird and scary on its own; 10,000 industry professionals descend on a small ski town. Every party has a list. You might be on the list. But you're probably not on the list. The beer only has 2.5% alcohol. The shuttle buses are free! Why is this place so weird?
I'm two days out of the festival, and the jitters are setting in. The next time you hear from me, it'll be mid-fest. My film premieres Sunday night at the Prospector Square theater. So stay tuned to find out if I have a complete mental breakdown before then.
Over and out,


About Ross Putman

Ross Putman is the producer of First Girl I Loved, which premieres at this year's Sundance Film Festival. The co-founder of LA-based production company PSH Collective, Ross also produced the 2014 LA Film Festival winner The Young Kieslowski. He co-produced the Netflix/Fox Digital series Bad Samaritans, and has sold the feature Eskimo Sisters to Awesomeness Films, with Danny Leiner directing. Prior to his producing career, Ross was a literary manager at Ineffable Pictures and has taught the Stage 32 Next Level Webinar "Deconstructing Guardians of the Galaxy", and the Stage 32 Next Level Class "It's All About Your "Hero's Journey"- How to Write Memorable Characters."

Ross will be joining Stage 32 Founder &  CEO, Richard "RB" Botto at the Sundance/Jacob Krueger Studio House at Sundance for the panel

  • Panel - "The Screenwriter/Manager Relationship"
  • Date: Thursday, January 28, 2016
  • Time: 3pm - 4:30pm
  • Location: The Stage 32/Jacob Krueger House (312 Upper Norfolk Ave., Park City, UT 84060)
  • Featuring: Richard "RB" Botto (screenwriter, CEO, Stage 32), Ross Putman (producer, film at Sundance - The Girl I Loved, former lit manager at Ineffable Pictures)
  • RSVP: click here


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RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions and Other Fun Stuff (January 22, 2016)
Stage 32 Is Headed to Park City During the Sundance Film Festival!
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