For those of you that have been in the community for a while, you will know that Stage 32 encourages gender equality in the creative industry.
When Stage 32 exec, member, actress and producer Alysia Reiner (Orange Is The New Black, Sideways) formed her own production company Broad Street Pictures last year we were in full support. Together with her producing partner Sarah Megan Thomas, they sought out to "find wildly entertaining and thought provoking tales about brilliant women doing rad things."
And they did. They kicked ass and took names with a female project and development dream team.
Broad Street Pictures' first film, Equity, premiered this week at the Sundance Film Festival and was promptly acquired by Sony Pictures Classics. So, it's time that we, the Stage 32 community, support, encourage and congratulate our fellow 32'er.
Equity is a film that follows the story of a top investment banker, played by Emmy-Award winner Anna Gunn (Breaking Bad), who leads the IPO for an emerging tech company and navigates the shark-infested waters of the financial industry. Not only is it the first female-driven Wall Street film, but it had a stellar development team.
Equity's female dream team includes producer Broad Street Pictures, director Meera Menon (Nora Ephron prize-winning director, Glamour 35 Women Under 35), actors Anna Gunn (Emmy-Award Winner, Breaking Bad), Alysia Reiner (Orange is the New Black, Sideways), Sarah Megan Thomas (Backwards), and screenwriter Amy Fox (Heights).
Alysia and the success of her first film for Broad Street Pictures right out of the gate are an inspiration to female creative professionals all over the world!
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