Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

Before we get going today, my thoughts and prayers to all Stage 32 members on the eastern seaboard. I hope you and your loved ones escaped Sandy with little to no damage.

It's been an inspiring last few months here at Stage 32. Some of our members have joined forces to launch some incredibly exciting and impressive projects. Quite a few others have landed major roles through connections made on the site. A number of behind the scenes workers have reached out to let me know about some really cool gigs they've signed on for. With the growth of the site - now approaching 80,000 members globally - the number of opportunities has risen dramatically. It's been awesome to see so many members grab their destiny by the throat by upping their presence here on 32 and using all the features to their full advantage.

It's also been fantastic to see so many of you pay it forward by participating in our Invite a Creative contest. As you know, when you invite a fellow actor, filmmaker, crew member, screenwriter, or any other creative, you not only spread good karma, but you earn Karma Points (that little number on the upper right side of your profile picture). I can't thank you enough for sharing the site with your peers. As mentioned earlier, the more creatives, the more opportunities.

There's more cool news on the Invite a Creative front. As you are aware, the top 25 point earners will receive a Stage 32 t-shirt. But wait, there's more! Thanks to two extremely generous gentlemen, my pals Richard LaPlante and Terence Stamp, the top 3 winners we will also be offered a signed copy of the audiobook version of Terence's incredible memoir, Rare Stamps: Reflections on Living, Breathing, and Acting

For more on the Invite a Creative contest, please click here.

I'd like to take a moment to thank all who participated in October's Introduce Yourself Weekend. Over 47,000 connections were made over the three-day event. November's version is set for the 16th through the 18th. Mark your calendars now. You never know when a new connection will be a life changing connection.

Finally, I wanted to remind everyone about some terrific offers exclusive to members of the Stage 32 community.

There are only a few seats remaining for the November 1st Dean Silver's Seminar. If you are not familiar with Dean, he's simply a great guy, and one hell of a teacher. Notable talent that Dean helped to get their break and further their careers: Scarlett Johansson, Ben Stiller, and David O. Russell to name a few. The man is as plugged in as they come.

Dean has kindly offered to give all Stage 32 members 10% off his seminar. Additionally, all Stage 32 members at both classes will be entered into a lottery to win a one-on-one consultation with Dean where he will review your project and discuss your career. He will also provide a follow up consultation within 30 days to check on your progression. I cannot recommend this seminar enough.

As mentioned, only a few seats remain for the November 1st seminar. But if you get shut out, or that date doesn't fit your busy schedule, have no fear. There is another seminar in Manhattan on November 8th. To find out more about the seminar and Deans extraordinary credentials, click here.

To read testimonials from those who have attended Dean's seminar, go here: Dean Silvers' Seminar Testimonials

For our screenwriters, the next deadline for both the Emerging Screenwriters 2012 Screenplay Competition and the Table Read My Screenplay Screenplay Contest is Thursday, November 15th. Stage 32 members receive $10 off when entering either competition.

For Emerging, the 15th is the FINAL deadline. Steve Atkinson, last year's GRAND PRIZE Winner, signed an option with Peg Cafferty and Dahooma Productions late last week for his winning screenplay No Mountain Too High.

Table Read offers you the chance, amongst a hundred other prizes, to have your script table read by professional actors at the Sundance Film Festival. This contest accepts features, pilots, and shorts.

For more on Emerging, go here: Stage 32 Special Offer: Emerging Screenwriters 2012 Screenplay Competition

For more on Table Read, go here: Stage 32 Special Offer: Table Read My Screenplay - Screenplay Contest!

Once again, to those of you who have made things happen over the last few months, my heartfelt congratulations. As we reach the homestretch on yet another year, I know many of you are closing in on the goals you set at the beginning of the 2012 campaign. It's my hope Stage 32 can play a part in helping you cross the finish line.

Thanks, and have a creative day.


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