“All we all really want is to be loved.” ~ Dancin’ Dave
Dancin Dave is available to perform at events around Los Angeles, Southern California, Las Vegas or anywhere in the world. You can often catch him for free on the Santa Monica Pier , the Promenade or the Venice Beach boardwalk.
Dancin Dave has been active in various movement arts from a very young age. He first started dancing in kindergarten at St. Joseph’s Catholic Grade School in Sioux City, IA which had a formal classical dance program.
Dave started martial arts when he was 15 years old and still holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Nowadays he studies Kung Fu, etc. at the world famous Inosanto Academy in Marina Del Rey, CA.
Dave, a baritone learned to sing in his 20’s while attending the Living Word Missionary Baptist Church in Long Beach, CA where he joined in singing traditional black spirituals. That’s where Dave learned to sing “soul” and has since adapted his skills to sing and dance black R&B and Rap music .
In 2005, he saw the documentary movie “Rize” which chronicles the development of the dance style called Krump in South-Central Los Angeles. Dave was never into hip hop dance but was fascinated by Krump and knew right away when he saw it that he had to do it himself. Krump is partially based on tribal African war dance and Dave saw it as a natural way, along with his martial arts to positively channel his own inner warrior. So Dave combined Krump, martial arts and soul singing to invent his own proprietary, signature dance style that draws upon a repertoire of original dance moves and is always impromptu and interpretive by definition.
Unique traits: Dave has his own unique, proprietary dance style that he calls "Dave Kune Do" which combines martial arts, krump dancing, African war dance. DaveKune Do draws upon a repertoire of original dance moves and is always impromptu and interpretive by definition.
Named "Honorary Black Person" in County Jail for Krump dancing.
University of Colorado - Boulder