Does anyone have any helpful tips ans advice on an up & coming Actress? I have NO experience but i feel in my heart im capable of doing WHATEVER I SET MY MIND TO. hELP!
Does anyone have any helpful tips ans advice on an up & coming Actress? I have NO experience but i feel in my heart im capable of doing WHATEVER I SET MY MIND TO. hELP!
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Just keep believing in yourself and study the greats. Read, watch and learn how some of the best started. Also, throw yourself in the deep end sometimes and apply for auditions. Once you get that ball rolling, you find your strengths and weaknesses. Everything what the guys below said.:)
Thanks Artell. Ill keep this in mind. This Is very helpful! :-)
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No probs, Good luck.:)
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Well, stop calling yourself up and coming - aspiring is more accurate. If someone auditions or messages me with the former, I'll ask to see their work. Network, join a community theater, apply for all those unpaid shorts that are looking for talent, take classes.
^^^^ now THIS is awesome advice! ill keep this in mind as well! Thanks so much! :-)
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there are all kinds of courses. full time - probably unlikely unless you have a lot of money and can afford not to work part time - from one night a week to a few - designed for the working adult usually don;t just complete one course and think that's it - do a few courses - you will learn from different teachers who focus on different aspects.
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Just keep your head up and Push your self. Everything you can do to get some Stage time. Practice, have a passion, and Don't stop for crap. no matter what someone says or does or anything.
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You can start by going on as many auditions as possible, joining theatre productions, and networking with as many people in the industry as possible. When I started I joined about 5 acting sites like this one, some give you lists of auditions. You're gona need to get some professional headshots taken which usually run around $300 and you can send them out with your info to casting directors and production companies. Even if you get a job that doesn't pay, Do It! You can't be picky with no experience & you will build your resume by doing so. Also you can take classes that will help you learn skills in performing. Just don't give up if this is your dream. Audition as much as possible and if you don't get the job which will happen a lot before you actually do get one, don't take it personally. There's so many people to choose from and their often looking for a specific type so just keep going. I find it helpful to study other actors in movies and tv, you can learn a lot of acting techniques and how to express emotion. Make sure to have monologues prepared as well, if you get an audition a lot of times they'll ask you to perform a monologue or 2 contrasting monologues which you can find online by googling monologues and find some to print out and practice so when they do call you for an audition or you go to an open audition your prepared. I hope this was helpful. Good luck!
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obviously the acting lessons, roles in short films, experience of stage work as stated also decide what is your unique selling point,what can you offer, that is different from other people, good luck
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A Famous Quote to live by---Henry David Thoreau quotes “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau quotes (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862) Quotes with: confidently, direction, dreams, go, imagined, In the, life, live. Henry David Thoreau said: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the..." and: “If one advances confidently in the direction of one's dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
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look for roles , talent managers help alot in this , if you have n't thought of that yet , you can start from going for open auditions in your local city /town , i probally think that auditional plattform is experience number one for up coming actors , you will get to know directors , their personal characters , be camera friendly , socialising with experienced actors and other crew that ususlly hang out on auditions , etc etc other wise believing in something with out taking an attempt to move a head , might make you a believer for the rest of your life .
thanks so much for ur advice. this is helpful! :)
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"If you are not training you're not serious." Those are not my words those are the words almost every casting professional I have talked to in the last 30 years. Actors aren't born and they don't grow on trees. They are built one class, one audition, one performance at a time. Find a good acting program and work as hard as possible. Scene study is critical and the more you do the better you will become. Classes are also an excellent networking environment to find out what is out there, what auditions people are going on, how to get or get ready for an agent etc. Never stop acting. If there is a good regional theatre in your area get involved. Audition for no/lo independent film so you learn the ropes in front of a camera. I was in the office of a well known agent just two weeks ago when he told his assistant to throw out any headshot and resume submissions that do not list significant training. This agent gets several hundred submissions a day. Develop all your tools, headshots, slates, resume, and demo from as much real material as you can make happen. Listen to everyone, attend every networking opportunity you can find. Too many actors think that success is just having a certain look, being funny, beautiful, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. Successful actors approach the industry as a business. Good luck. We need every hard working professional actor we can get to battle all the "want-to-be overnight success failures". Nothing can or should stop you. Jacob