One of the most exciting and thrilling professions in the world is that of an actor. This profession is so versatile and also challenges every actor in all facets. Not only is the artistic work important, but it is also important to constantly develop and refocus. Our online programme ENERGIN4ART offers every artist new approaches, further training, know-how and serves as a door opener in our industry and for oneself. We must always ask ourselves the questions: Where am I? Where do I want to go? What am I prepared to do? And how do I get to my destination? Which path is the right one for me? These questions guide you through our ENERGIN4ART online Sessions. Meet International Casting Diretor Virginia Schmidt, based in Europe and get your portion of new & fresh insides and your individual Career-Board. Your next 6 months will be challenging you and push you into a new level in your career as actor. Are you ready for a new Challenge? ENEGRING4ART will be perfect for you. Book your session today. Get access to my Network. Intensive Single- Session 2h: 199$ / 175 € incl. 6 Months Guidance on a monthly base.
Insides Casting & Auditions
Artist- Status
Goals and implementation
Review AND Feedback
Monthly Review on Target
Hold in English or German.
Super unique and personal program for success
Registration: mail@gincast.de
Hey Virginia, this is Karen from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Acting to Your Stage (for links and promotions), as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions and all the best to you!