Acting : Scene Study Groups by Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

Scene Study Groups

Hey all, I'm a Director and I just had the most amazing experience at a scene study class in Los Angeles. And I was wondering of there were any more going on that you know of?

Of course, the "Meetup" section has one really good one, but does anyone know of any others?

Jorge J Prieto

Look for theater workshops. Here in NYC, The Acting Studio is great, they focus in Meisner Technique.

Anne Devina Reeve

Aww too far for me

Stephen Foster

I think For Actors By Actors does a creative Mash up once a month were you can bring in scenes. I think an acting scene meet up would be fun!

Mandy Goldstein

YES! One of the best acting/on-camera scene study classes ANYWHERE around is run by feature film director David Rountree ( ). He is a REAL working director who often hires his students and the price is great. The class website is: ( )

Take a look and you can even set up an audit to try it out.

David Banks

Agreed, david rountree has an amazingly class!

Isaiah Andrés Galarza

That sounds great! So the modus operandi of the scene study I was involved in was Writers would bring in their short scene, then cast Actors from among those who showed up, then the Directors would pull their little troupe aside and rehearse them and their scenes, then we would perform them later that evening on stage.

It was really intensive but it was a lot of fun and everyone had the ability to hone their craft.

Is that how David Roundtree works, bc I'm really looking to Direct myself, and view other Directors in action.

Paulina Lagudi

@Isaiah Galarza that sounds awesome.

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