Acting : Stuntmen React to Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts by Ashley Renee Smith

Ashley Renee Smith

Stuntmen React to Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts

In the below video, the Corridor Crew are joined by Stunt performers Gui DaSilva-Greene and Anis Cheurfa to breakdown action scenes in movies! What makes them good? What makes them bad?

Did you learn anything new from this breakdown?

Maurice Vaughan

That was fun to watch, Ashley Renee Smith! I learned a lot from the breakdown. like you can't interact with stunt dogs on set, Anis Cheurfa's jumping/flipping technique, and how stunt performers sell the impact during fight scenes.

Suzanne Bronson

Thank you Ashley Renee Smith . This was very entertaining. Especially interesting about the stunt dogs.

Megan Reneau

THIS IS AWESOME. As a stuntwoman, I am now going to watch so many of these.

Ashley Renee Smith

I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, Megan Reneau! I LOVE this series by Corridor Crew.

Megan Reneau

Ashley Renee Smith I am in the process of starting my own stunt podcast. I didn't even know about this one so I am so glad I found it with your post. Its super fun seeing how they also react to watching them.

Ashley Renee Smith

That's awesome, Megan Reneau! Are you considering interviewing other stunt professionals for the podcast? Or do you have a different format in mind?

Megan Reneau

Ashley Renee Smith I will be taking stunt professionals as guests. I have three lined up and many many more in mind.

Megan Reneau

Ashley Renee Smith If you want to message me, or comment, anytime if there is a stunt performer you'd like me to add to my list please do. Hopefully starting it within the next week or two. I will post the link for you to check it out and will add it to my profile <3

Ashley Renee Smith

Thats so exciting! I'll let you know if I think of anyone in particular.

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