Hello my name is Michelle, I'm looking for someone who is interested in an animation that I and my writing partner Gigi Adams has. If interested you may contact her at gigiadamsevans@gmail.com
Hello my name is Michelle, I'm looking for someone who is interested in an animation that I and my writing partner Gigi Adams has. If interested you may contact her at gigiadamsevans@gmail.com
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What kind of budget? And is claymation on the table?
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Hello J.M. Gulmire I can find out everything you need. And get back with you. Is that ok?
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Hello J.M. Gulmire, we don't have a budget but we are looking for investor or someone who will produce the animation and we a make money from it in a collaboration contract if possible and yes we are interested in claymation.
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Althea Moore/Gigi Adams-Evans, You will need an actual budget if you want to pull in serious investors.
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Althea Moore/Gigi Adams-Evans Elaine is right. You need to put together a budget in order to attract investors or figure out how to raise the funds yourself.
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Thanks so much for the advice Elaine and Bob I will get with my godmom who is my writing partner and go from there.