Is anyone interested? I am going to be working with another casting director out of New York to cast a Bollywood type movie that will be filming in Indiana and India. We will start the casting call with online casting only for the first 30 days and then follow up by going through the online submissions and then setting up a day for character readings to send to the producer. Also, we are going to need 500 extras. So this will be a great opportunity for anyone and everyone who has wanted to take their career to the next level and I want the same for all of the Indiana talent. There are still questions on the table that I need to get answered. If you have please ask. The email to send your submission to is or dropbox. Thank you and let's show them that we have a great pool to choose from!
Kathy - you should post this in the JOBS section where people go to look for work. You'll get your response from there.
Thanks Julie, but that one is over, but I am looking for a new project I have 0ver 40 talented people from Indy looking so where should I go or post to see who is looking for talent in Indiana for their project. I am great to work with and offer them exposure on the web, youtube and my site gets sometimes 2k hits a day. So any ideas?
Thaks Julie for the advice, I didn't know. I still very new to Stage 32. So when I get a new assignment I know what to do.