Read a Good Book Lately? : Seeking for literary agents and publishers by Ihekuna Chimezie Benedict

Ihekuna Chimezie Benedict

Seeking for literary agents and publishers

Are you a literary agent and or a traditional publisher and seeking for novel manuscripts? I am a writer seeking for literary agents, publishers and other concerned literary professionals. My created platform is a hub where all prospective readers, literary agents, (traditional) publishers and other concerned literary professionals can have access to different literary genres of high novel quality. It contains almost all literary categories; sexuality, business, stories, self-help, relationships, science, philosophy, inspirational, fiction and many more. All you need do is to visit the site at for more information. A trial will convince you!

Rachael Saltzman

Legitimate agents are swamped with queries and manuscripts sent directly to them. What would be the motivation to go looking for others?

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