I loved and just had to share this deep-dive look at Eastman’s 5247 100T II film stock, its characteristics, the new development process that it created, and why modern movies have a more diverse range of looks when compared to many of these films from the 70s and 80s.
What do you think community, would you like to see this style make a comeback?
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Thanks for sharing, Ashley Renee Smith. I've wondered for a long time why movies nowadays look so different. I definitely wanna see this style make a comeback. I prefer the style.
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Thanks Ashley Renee Smith . Great video. I LOVE film. This look won't be coming back for a number of reasons. Esthetic tastes have changed over time. This film stock and many others have disappeared. Digital has taken over over the last 10+ years. With that said, celluloid is making a comeback and more films were shot on film last year than any other year since 2014. Some stocks like Ektachrome were re-introduced by Kodak so the future is bright and beautiful.