Filmmaking / Directing : Coffee & Content: What Is An Antagonist? by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Coffee & Content: What Is An Antagonist?

Stage 32’s founder and CEO, Richard “RB” Botto, shares two videos in today’s blog.

In the first video, StudioBinder discusses one of storytelling’s most crucial elements, the antagonist, including breaking down the 7 types of antagonists, their characteristics, and their functions in a story.

In the second video, RB shares the secret to funding your next film! And unsurprisingly, it’s all about relationships.

Grab your coffee/tea/juice/etc. and jump in!

Rutger Oosterhoff

... Depends who you ask. In the mind of a psychpath the antagonist is the good guy, and all supposed "good" guys just delute themselves. In slightly different words: every character is the hero if his/her own story. Just as in real life.

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Rutger Oosterhoff. When I outline a script, I write out how the major characters and minor characters see each other/feel about each other. The antagonist sees the protagonist and the other characters as the antagonists/people who are standing in his/her way.

Debbie Croysdale

@Maurice Could not see video cos Fox blocked it in UK. However I totally get RB’s write up on it. The antagonist is not necessarily a person, the monster or the villain. Can be forces of nature, the social system, oneself, etc.

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Debbie Croysdale. An antagonist can be anything that's in the protagonist's way.

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