Distribution : Making money from your movie? by Dimitrios Papagiannis

Making money from your movie?

Pure and simply I am very interested in the actual ways that people have been able to make money with their films. I see so many make their movie and then try and sell it. This seems a little unstrategic to me. Why would you make a movie without knowing it's got a good chance of getting a return? Yes I know the passion answer but that is not the one I am looking for.

Dimitrios Papagiannis

Viable roadmap

Cory Wess

Read Dov Simens' From Reel to Deal which will give you a clear answer to why many make their movie first then work on selling it. The film industry is highly speculative, and even distribution executives don't always know which movie has a good chance of getting a return (e.g. The Lone Ranger). Making a film and selling one require different skill sets. Make sure your team has people strong in both.

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