I am a treasurer for a college and I am trying to raise money for my organization. And I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or tips for raising funds.
I am a treasurer for a college and I am trying to raise money for my organization. And I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or tips for raising funds.
When I was in college two decades ago we shot tv shows for independent filmmakers because the public access studies were closed. It worked and it is the reason why many of the tv shows I produced are in the Moments in Hiphop DVD. Also go to your local store and tell the owners that you will shoot a mini commercial and have it aired at the school, this way the students will know where the best products are and it gives the store exposure. Charge a small amount every month for ongoing promotion. Lastly, all actresses need a promo bio. Get local models and actresses to do video portfolios. Make sure your lighting is superb...that is the key to any low budget video...good luck www.futurenetworkproductions.com
Michael I founded a young persons filmmaking club here in the UK way back in 2004. Not sure whether the model would work in your neck of the woods. But quite simply I touted for commissions from charities who had an interest in working with young people. Womens Aid funded films on domestic violence and abuse, mental health service on removing the stigma of mental health, The police on training police officers in aspects of the law, and the like. The model has changed recently as we are now funded by the proceeds earned by the local authority from professional filmmakers using locations owned by them. Locations were sourced for free and in particular we sought to change opinions around young people by taking our filmmaking into the homes and businesses of people who were complaining about bad behaviour....... More than willing to expand further.