Hmmm. I think the reason the issue of audience usually comes up is because people are trying to figure out how to market the film. So it's good to say age, gender, who liked these five recently released films. Because then there's a notion of how to use the information you are providing to find folks who will buy and rent the film.
Hi, Akemi. I am the first producer in the U.S. to raise over $1 million to make a movie with Equity Crowdfunding. I'm giving a seminar on exactly how I did it. Even if you don't go to the seminar, just go to my web page and sign up for the newsletter for free tips. BTW, I started with NO crowdfunding experience and NO social media presence -- no twitter, nothing. If you're in the U.S., look into it -- it's like Kickstarter was 10 years ago -- the time to do it is now!
The fact is, Akemi K. Tosto, that equity crowdfunding is dead, I'm afraid. I was Indiegogo's first and only equity crowdfunding strategist. There's been a modicum of success with some sites, but overall, the learning curve is too steep –– everyday folks are too used to rewards-based crowdfunding, and the only people funding equity campaigns are business folks, which, in my humble opinion are a foremost expert in crowdfunding for film, that is not crowdfunding, as it was first invented to tap into the general public, not the big producers. Plus, to do an equity campaign, you're spending upwards of $5,000 on due diligence, attorney fees and all the other aspects of getting an equity campaign officially (and legally) started, and most indie filmmakers just don't carry that kind of cash upfront.
John Trigonis, I STRONGLY DISAGREE. I raised over $1 million with Equity Crowdfunding, and I started with only $2,000 for expenses. You don't need $5k! If a filmmaker can't come up with $2,000 in order to raise a million, then they shouldn't be in the business. The EC space is growing year after year and hundreds of thousands of investors are on the registered site looking for investments. I know because they found me. "Steep learning curve?" Yeah, you're right -- it's better not to learn anything new. It's best to be lazy and just hope the money magically arrives on your doorstep. Because all the great movies are made by playing it safe, right?!?! Sheesh man, you're not much of an expert! And the SEC calls it "Regulation Crowdfunding," so I guess IT IS crowdfunding! You can whine all you want -- I am making movies!
Hmmm. I think the reason the issue of audience usually comes up is because people are trying to figure out how to market the film. So it's good to say age, gender, who liked these five recently released films. Because then there's a notion of how to use the information you are providing to find folks who will buy and rent the film.
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Hi, Akemi. I am the first producer in the U.S. to raise over $1 million to make a movie with Equity Crowdfunding. I'm giving a seminar on exactly how I did it. Even if you don't go to the seminar, just go to my web page and sign up for the newsletter for free tips. BTW, I started with NO crowdfunding experience and NO social media presence -- no twitter, nothing. If you're in the U.S., look into it -- it's like Kickstarter was 10 years ago -- the time to do it is now!
The fact is, Akemi K. Tosto, that equity crowdfunding is dead, I'm afraid. I was Indiegogo's first and only equity crowdfunding strategist. There's been a modicum of success with some sites, but overall, the learning curve is too steep –– everyday folks are too used to rewards-based crowdfunding, and the only people funding equity campaigns are business folks, which, in my humble opinion are a foremost expert in crowdfunding for film, that is not crowdfunding, as it was first invented to tap into the general public, not the big producers. Plus, to do an equity campaign, you're spending upwards of $5,000 on due diligence, attorney fees and all the other aspects of getting an equity campaign officially (and legally) started, and most indie filmmakers just don't carry that kind of cash upfront.
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John Trigonis, I STRONGLY DISAGREE. I raised over $1 million with Equity Crowdfunding, and I started with only $2,000 for expenses. You don't need $5k! If a filmmaker can't come up with $2,000 in order to raise a million, then they shouldn't be in the business. The EC space is growing year after year and hundreds of thousands of investors are on the registered site looking for investments. I know because they found me. "Steep learning curve?" Yeah, you're right -- it's better not to learn anything new. It's best to be lazy and just hope the money magically arrives on your doorstep. Because all the great movies are made by playing it safe, right?!?! Sheesh man, you're not much of an expert! And the SEC calls it "Regulation Crowdfunding," so I guess IT IS crowdfunding! You can whine all you want -- I am making movies!