Financing / Crowdfunding : Shape of your Heart (new approach in the world of animated films) by Anna Kadykova

Anna Kadykova

Shape of your Heart (new approach in the world of animated films)

Well, making animated films is a long, hard, exhausting and often not about money. So we thought: is there a way to avoid all of this? Is there a way to make something simple, quick, inexpensive, but still exciting like a Netflix or HBO show?

Do you think that's possible?

It's impossible to know if you're going to be successful at something until you actually do it. So we decided to start working on our own independent countercultural animated TV show.

We started a crowdfunding and we'll see how it goes, but we're gonna make a Pilot Episode anyway.

Any crowdfunding advice would be appreciated.

Link to campaign -

Link to FB group -

António Monfort

Hi Anna the most important thing, is to have fun in what you doing. The other things are processes or ways towards what you longing for ( GOAL)..

Ashley Renee Smith

You should check out Stage 32 CEO RB's book- Crowdsourcing For Filmmakers: Indie Film & the Power of the Crowd. There is a ton of advice in there from interviewing hundreds of filmmakers on crowdsourcing and crowdfunding their projects:

Anna Kadykova

Ashley, thank you, but the page is “not found”

Anna Kadykova

Antonio! 100% agree! we want to make this story with twists and many horizontal lines. and I had already two producers told me, they like the project, but it’s better to make it vertical. which contradicts the whole idea. no way! we’ll make it the way we want it to be. even if it’s not successful. because it has to be about drive and joy!

Vincent Turner

this was fire

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