Introduce Yourself : Actress/Comedian/Presenter by Melanie Gayle

Melanie Gayle


Hi my name is Mel from London. I am an actress, comedian and presenter. You can find out more about me and see my videos/reel here: love to collaborate on interesting projects.

Valerie Michele Oliver

Welcome to Stage 32, Melanie. I'm connected to a few projects based in the U.K. Cheers!

Melanie Gayle

Thanks for the welcome Valerie

Richard "RB" Botto

Terrific to have you here, Melanie.

Melanie Gayle

Thanks RB

Richard "RB" Botto

For sure, Melanie.

Bhavnisha Parmar

We connect again, Mel... how are you?

Rizwan Anjum Khan

Welcome to Stage 32 Mel I'm Rizwan Anjum Khan nice to meet you.

Melanie Gayle

Thanks Rizwan

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