Hello folks. It's that magical time of month again. That time when people from all over the internet (world) come together and say "hi" and little about themselves. Well, for all of you who recently joined and all of you who may recognize my name by now, here it goes again... Ahem...
My name is Dustin. I am a screenwriter, video editor, a director at a film festival, and even a Stage 32 Mod. I recently got to be all cool and classy at the Beverly Hills Film Festival and lounge at the poolside where Marilyn Monroe used to do photo shoots. I was heartbroken to realize that too many people today of any age don't know who Ben Stiller, Beau Bridges, or Emile Hirsch is... and one kind person actually referred to Ben as the "Meme Guy." I hope some of you know who they are...
I'm busy prepping for all sorts of plans this year. Lots of traveling and projects in the works. Let me know how you're doing and what you're up to, and if you have the time, what your favorite color is. Mine is yellow. Or just keep scrolling and find someone else. No worries.
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Hello Dustin, great to see you here sharing. My name is Angel, I am an author and screenwriter from New York City. I have been on stage 32, ooh, about a year now. Great place, with great people from all over the world with a wide range of skill sets and passions. My favorite color is blue. I have two published books, The Face in the Mirror and In Plain Sight. I also have two screenplays for which I am looking to put a trailer. I am working hard but enjoying every aspect, every curve, and every opportunity that crosses my path.
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Safe travels when you go on the trips, Dustin Richardson.
I'm getting closer to finishing a ghostwriting job, working on a spec script, and pitching projects.
My favorite color changes a lot. And I don't even know if I have a favorite color right now. Haha
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Howdy, Dustin Richardson! Building more scripts for my portfolio. I have to answer the question, "What else do you have?" One script, Garden of Eden, is in production, and my other script, Two, is in pre-production. Getting ready to pitch a few scripts right here on Stage 32, and I'm always co-hosting Pitch Practice and the Pitch Tank on the platform. That experience you had sounds cool! My color is Hunter Green. Big fan.
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We're so lucky to have you as a part of this great community, Dustin Richardson!
My favorite color is dark blue, like a night sky on a full moon.2 people like this
Hi Dustin, You might know my friends Brent Bishop and Alexis Cohen who wrote the BH Festival winning feature “Song of the Bigfoot.” I’m following it on Fund Me, such an original idea. Having been a high school art teacher, I can relate to youngsters making me feel old. :). Enjoy your travels!
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Great to hear from you, Dustin Richardson - congrats on Beverly Hills FF! That's so cool!
Huh, I feel like no one ever claims yellow as their favorite, but I can see the appeal. I feel like I need more yellow in my life, but I tend to enjoy purple more, or a deep/vibrant teal. Not usually together, but still...
What do you edit on? I've been stuck on Adobe Premiere Pro for some time now and I know a lot of other peeps that have turned to the more cost-effective Davinci Resolve, but I just don't have the time to learn another software LOL
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Nice to hear from you, Angel Luis Martinez Jr. And blue is a good one.
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Thanks, Maurice Vaughan. What's it like ghostwriting? And your favorite color changes a lot? That's interesting. Maybe you're a whole color spectrum type of guy. haha
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Howdy, John Mezes. That's great. "What else do you have?" is an important question to answer. Having two of your projects in a state of production is amazing. Congratulations. I'd love to hear more about that if you ever want to share. Hunter Green. Nice...
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Ashley Renee Smith, "Dark blue, like a night sky on a full moon..." That is very cool and specific. That's a nice one.
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Hi Rhonda Jean Seiter! “Song of the Bigfoot” sounds great. Good to hear from you. And thanks.
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Great to hear from you, too, Karen "Kay" Ross. You're a big deal around here! And thank you about Beverly Hills. It was an honor to be included as an official screenwriter amongst so much talent.
Yeah, I don't hear yellow much either, come to think of it. But it's always been my favorite. It's a happy, comfortable color. Purple and deep/vibrant teal are great choices.
I'm also using Adobe Premiere Pro but have been preparing to switch to Davinci Resolve. Cost-effective sounds nice. I wonder how much of a learning curve it is. I've been learning how to use Canva now instead of PhotoShop, too, haha.
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You're welcome, Dustin Richardson.
Ghostwriting is basically like writing a spec script or working on a screenwriting job, but I don’t get credit. I get paid though. Stage 32 had an AMA about ghostwriting last month (www.stage32.com/lounge/playwriting/Ask-Me-Anything-AMA-Wednesday-4-24-to...).
"Maybe you're a whole color spectrum type of guy." I like that. Speaking of colors, I use colors to symbolize things in scripts a lot.
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hi Dustin! nice to e-meet ya. I'm new to Stage32 and been loving the positive vibes and support from other fellow creatives. so cool you've gotten to visit the poolside where Marilyn Monroe used to do photoshoots. she's my gemini twin! lol. favorite color is Gray, I'm also from Chicago! :)
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Nice to e-meet you, too, Niamani Ricks. Glad you're enjoying Stage 32. Gray, that's cool. I don't hear people pick gray that often. There's something calming about gray. And yay, Chicago! If you have any questions about Stage 32, let me or another mod know.
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Hi Dustin Richardson it's great to e-meet you!
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Good to see you, Sam Rivera!
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Hi Dustin Richardson - it's great to see you here on IYW. I'm a green person, except when I see it on the Boston Celtics or Philadelphia Eagles (huge Knicks & Giants fan). Beau Bridges always delivers, Stiller can touch genius and Hirsch is perfectly intense in everything he does. Hope folks experience their work. What project are you most excited about pursuing this year?
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Hi Sam Sokolow. I'm glad someone still remembers Beau Bridges, Stiller, and Hirsch. They all had wonderful films at the BH Film Festival. I'm looking forward to writing and getting a short film in the works and making this year's Burbank Film Festival the best yet.
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Reall cool to meet you, Dustin Richardson ! Argh I gotta go to the Beverly Hills Film Festival. I thought I'd share the link to my free filmmaking guide, free 579 minute creativity podcast, 50-page free Adobe Creative Cloud eBook, and free filmmaking tutorial videos on video editing, photoshop and more. I know I'm always on the lookout for free resources, and I hope these help! Cheers! http://eepurl.com/iuGSUY
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Hello Dustin