Hi Everyone! I am a YA Speculative Fiction Author and Attorney. Looking to connect with other writers, creatives and those in the entertainment law industry! :)
Hi Everyone! I am a YA Speculative Fiction Author and Attorney. Looking to connect with other writers, creatives and those in the entertainment law industry! :)
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Welcome Sarah
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Great to meet you, Sarah Crowne. I read your bio. Congratulations on your accomplishments! A YA Time Travel Murder Mystery sounds exciting! It's on my read list now.
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Thanks Maurice! Nice to meet you! :)
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Hi Sarah. I'm a novelist, too--my last one was spec fiction/thriller published in the UK. I joined Stage 32 hoping a screenwriter would materialize for my book. Is your book optioned yet?
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You're welcome, Sarah Crowne. Here are some blogs about networking/connecting with members on Stage 32: www.stage32.com/blog/tags/networking-41
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Hello Sarah! I wrote romantic comedies and apocalyptic romances. I've done screenplay work for a production company in the past, but I'm more focused on growing my novel catalog, at the moment. Previously, I used to conduct domestic and international fraud investigations, where I argued with attorneys regarding whether to pursue litigation--but don't hold my hall monitor past against me!
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Welcome Sarah! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.
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Hi Sarah! Illustrator here! https://daveartstore.wixsite.com/home
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heyyyy Sarah Crowne welcome to the team ( :
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Thank you so much everyone! It's so nice to meet all of you! I love story, am an avid believer in story structure, and love seeing other creatives making their dreams come true. Happy to be here to get to know all of you. You all sound amazing! Lark Anderson - no worries - won't hold your hall monitor past against you. Litigation isn't for everyone - which is why I'm a business attorney LOL!
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@DaveAquino - love your art! @LoriAnnStephens - no option yet. I'll check out your thriller, where can I find it?
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Hi, Sarah, welcome! I see that you enjoy writing science fiction books, which happens to be my favorite genre. What is your next project? Are you working on a screenplay or a book, and in what genre?
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Sarah Crowne Blue Running may still be at Waterstones if you’re in the UK or of course at Amazon if in the US like me. My publisher is Moonflower Books in the UK—a great little boutique powerhouse.
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Lori Ann Stephens Awesome! I'll check it out! My novel, All These Threads of Time is available at Waterstones too! <3 I'm in the US, so will probably check it out on Amazon. Nice to meet you!
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@Yair Avivi - I'm working through my next project right now, a mind control thriller. I've also got two other projects in the line up. I mostly write speculative fiction - my stories are blends of sci-fi, fantasy, mystery and thriller. I only write novels at the moment, but will venture into screenplays eventually. I am a huge plotter, planning my story structure before writing so they meld well to script or book. How about you?
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Sarah Crowne Great! We're Waterstones buddies. I'll check out your novel, too.
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Hi Sarah Crowne great name ;) Welcome to Stage 32!
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hello Sarah. I sent you a pm on Facebook. Hope to hear from you soon. Gary