I discovered stage 32 through the new female driven logline contest and here I am now, in this platform! I have always been very creative, but the first real thing I wrote was a romance novel in the pandemic, since then I haven’t stopped. Right now I am writing a thriller YA novel, rewriting my romcom screenplay and finishing my physiologic horror/thriller screenplay. I love writing books but when I first started writing for film I fell in love - so much that I’ve got many screenplays ideas just waiting to put in the paper! Look forward to get to know more of my people in this community!
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Hi, Victoria Rossetto. Welcome to the community. Stage 32 has a great Authoring & Playwriting Lounge and Screenwriting Lounge (www.stage32.com/lounge).
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Your enthusiasm is contagious, Victoria! So happy you found us.
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Welcome aboard, Victoria!
Your enthusiasm is felt from here. :) Don't be afraid to share your work. Cheers!