Hullo film lovers! I started down the path making small films about 20 years ago. Like many, I struggled to find a way to do it in a more full-time capacity. Unfortunately, a major health crisis about 10 years ago severely disrupted my progress. But, I've since recovered (after a major surgery) and resumed my exploration of filmmaking a few years ago. My first substantial project since then, now a couple years in the making, is about to play at its first festival in June! More on that later. I'm a writer, producer, director attracted to thoughtful, philosophical stories with intentional tone and pacing. I love stories that deal with the reality of nature, our perception of that reality, and the explorations of our human meaning and significance. My idols are Kubrick, Welles, Hitchcock... and modern filmmakers like Iñárritu, Fincher, Scorsese and del Toro. That current project I mentioned? It's a short film that pays homage to Rod Serling and the original Twilight Zone called The Recursion Theorem. It's a mostly black and white film that explores the inherent value hidden in Sisyphean tasks. The entire film takes place in one location, with only one actor. We had trouble finding an old mansion to shoot in that we could afford on our micro budget, so I designed and lead construction on a physical set built in a warehouse that we rented for a month! That's the type of creativity and ingenuity I bring to all my projects! My real talents are in being able to have a vision for what a project needs to be successful, develop a plan to get there, anticipate and problem solve the obstacles that will come into play, and work together with cast and crew to reach that vision together as a team. I believe strongly in collaboration, and helping people grow stronger in their talents and in their own pursuits. What I'm looking for here, is to find some like-minded individuals willing to back and support my efforts. Not necessarily financially, though that help is always welcome. See, I've never had the advantage of having a parent or teacher or friend or mentor who was in my corner, lending their support and encouragement. It's made it a struggle to follow my ideas and passions. But, that is the great thing about networking with others in venues such as this... connecting with those who share our ideas, passions and dreams. We get a chance to find support in one another. So, here I am. Thanks for reading this far. You can find out more about The Recursion Theorem at http://www.RecursionTheorem.com or http://www.facebook.com/RecursionTheorem - and please follow me on Twitter @sledgeweb http://www.twitter.com/sledgeweb for more updates on Recursion and other filmmaking resources. And if you have any advice or might want to support any of my future works or have ideas on how I might be able to get Recursion to a wider audience, please connect with me here on Stage 32 and let me know! If you are a writer interested in similar genres, I have many stories I want to tell and am always up for collaboration with writers. Thanks again, Ben
Forgot to mention, I'm in the DC area but willing to travel to work on good projects!
Good for you! Keep going your thing. If you ever need help with a film or looking for Actor's in NYC give me a shout