Introduce Yourself : Finally saying hello by Melissa McCabe (aka Missy Allardyce)

Finally saying hello

Hi film fam I was inspired by todays blog post to fill in my profile a bit more. If you check it out and have feedback for me I’m all ears! Hallmark movies got me through the worst of the pandemic. Fun to play “name that location” for the many shot in my hometown. Now they’re getting me through the rest of the pandemic. I’m digging the low-stakes, predictably happy endings and I’m loving how Hallmark is expanding. I’m also loving how other networks and steamers are stepping into the romcom space. Happy to connect with like-minded creatives.

Wayne Jarman

Hi, Melissa. Happy writing. Wishing you every success!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Melissa McCabe (aka Missy Allardyce)/film fam. :) I read your bio. I really like it. It's full of energy and humor. How far along are you on your romcom script?

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