Introduce Yourself : Greetings from Ireland by Daryl Duncan

Daryl Duncan

Greetings from Ireland

Hi my name's Daryl. I recently set up a small film production company and Facebook page called Dead On Films with a few good friends. We had no experience and no budget but we managed to complete our first short horror film. It's been a lot of fun and the experience and lessons learned are invaluable. I'm currently writing our next script which we hope begin next month. Thanks for reading.


Welcome to Stage 32, Daryl!

Genell Banks

Congratulations, wishing you many blessings on this new adventure!

Diana Murdock

Way to go, Daryl! Way to make it happen! Now THAT'S what manifestation is all about.

Joy Merriweather

Congratulations Daryl, I love horror...All the Best!!!

Wahayn Inello Clayton

Welcome and Great work.

Debbie Croysdale

Hi Daryl I'm so glad your proactive approach paid off, it's great you made a film from scratch. Welcome.

Daryl Duncan

What lovely comments. Thanks everyone.

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