Introduce Yourself : Happy to be here by Tiffani Zabor

Happy to be here

Hi everyone, I just discovered this site. I'm an aspiring screenwriter and an open sponge. Any advice on the giant world of screenwriting would be most appreciated. Specifically curious what reading material, contests, etc you'd recommend. Thanks

Kerry Kennard

If you’re writing,

There’s specific software to use.

Do you’re due diligence researching best one for you to use. I bought some books on

Film music.

Hope to hear from you/ connect.


Kerry Kennard

Joshua Roberts

Welcome to the wonderful world of Screenwriting Tiffani! For starters, if you haven't already, I would recommend on getting a few books about the craft, to help you know what you are getting into. A great book for beginners, if it is still available, is Skip Press' "Idiot's Guide to Screenwriting." Skip is a good friend and he knows this business in and out. Secondly, I would invest in a decent screenwriting program. As an aspiring screenwriter you are pretty much free to use whatever floats your boat, as long as you correctly format your script, but most of Hollywood uses Final Draft (I use it). At the end of the day, as long as the format is correct nobody is going to refuse to look at a script based upon the software used. However, having said that, I've always followed the view that if you want to be professional, use the tools professionals use. Also, if you have any questions feel free to ask. No question is too silly.

Kafi Kareem

Read anything everything in the genre(s) you write. Download scripts here -

Tennyson Stead

Hi, Tiffani! In terms of advice, I've been writing blogs on Stage 32 for a little more than half a year. I've got a complete list on my profile, at and this one is reading I would recommend to any new screenwriter:

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