Introduce Yourself : Hello Hello by Antonio B Perry

Antonio B Perry

Hello Hello

I'm a freelance screenwriter tempted to drop the 9 - 5 and pursue my passion! Always happy to make connections. I'm also new here...

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome, Antonio B Perry. Great to meet you. What script are you working on?

Cherelynn Baker

Creative itches are the best - you never know where it will take you! Welcome to Stage 32 - enjoy the platform. Be sure and use the lounges and get involved. You may also want to check out the Writer's room!

Sam Sokolow

Fortune favors the brave and the Stage 32 community is filled with so many brave creatives and resources to help people on their parh. Welcome to the community!

Antonio B Perry

Thank you all for the well welcome! I'll take a look at the lounges and see what I can get involved with. Currently, I'm working on a thriller script about a father searching for his missing child in an alternate reality. I still have plenty to learn. Looking forward to it!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Antonio B Perry. That sounds like an exciting script!

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