Introduce Yourself : I Think You're All Just Lovely People by Tim Sparrow

I Think You're All Just Lovely People

Hello. Been on Stage 32 for quite a fair while now, just getting around to introducing myself. Apologies. Trying very hard to get noticed, basically. Wrote and appeared in an indy film, "Borges and I" (check us out on IMDB!) a few years back, and I've optioned a couple other scripts in the past. My wife and I are working on a revision of a time-travel script while I spend evenings editing a short film with a friend. Writing a novel also. And, just to keep myself off the streets, I also have a blog called Awful Pictures, Terrible Words - which is essentially my attempt to turn things that go on in my house and in my head into drawings, despite the fact that I have no discernible artistic skill. Just today, in fact, i posted a story about my daughter's new sweatshirt. Woo-hoo! Look for it here: If you'd like to take up a different perch inside my curious little life, perhaps you'd care to look at the video I made a few years back from my recording of my then 5-year-old daughter reciting Where the Wild Things Are. It's probably the most adorable thing you'll encounter this week. Hope to meet more of you soon. Be well and happy. Cheers, Chris

Tim Sparrow

Thanks very much.

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