Hi! My name is Theo and I am an 11 year old actor from Pennsylvania (don't worry about interacting though, my mom is in charge of all of my sites). I started acting when I was 8 and have done feature films, short films, TV, commercials, web-based media, and modeling for print. I love acting, especially in fierce dramatic roles. Please visit my imdb and Facebook pages as well!
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Theo: Wow, you have quite an impressive amount of experience for your age. Nice to meet you.
Thank you so much! I love acting and am not afraid to work hard. Nice to meet you too!
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Hi, Theo. I'm 11 and from PA, too! :)
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Nice to meet you Zane, and maybe we can work together someday!
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I like fierce dramatic roles too Theo. Best of luck to you man.
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Hello and welcome to the Stage! :D
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Welcome Theo ! Milt. www.firstritesfilms.com
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Hello and thank you to all!
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Hey Theo! Great to have you here, big guy!