Hello everybody, My name is Dirk Gunther Mohr and I'm an actor from The Netherlands. I like this website and I hope to connect with a lot of people who needs an actor with many possibilities. After intense classes of Method Acting I had some supporting roles in series and leads in shorts. This year I played the lead als Henry Tudor VIII in the movie H VIII: The Male Heir. There are already ideas for a prequel about Henry. I also worked this year with a crew from England on the Sci-Fi movie 'Slumber'. So if you need an actor with a distinctive face, who is also willing to be that character, contact me! http://dgmnl1981.wix.com/d-g-m dgm_nl@hotmail.com Thank you!
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Just watched your show reel. I lived in The Netherlands in 1974. Nijmegen and then Amsterdam. I am American. I live and was born in Nieux Amsterdam(New York City). I am a screenwriter. I am presently working on getting (2) copyrighted scripts into production. However, There is one script still in process called AMSTERDAM 74 that I hope to have finished sometime next year. At that point I will be assembling a Dutch Cast & Crew for shooting in Nijmegen and Amsterdam. If you go to my profile page you will see that my Network consists of only Nieux Amsterdam & Old Amsterdam members. I do still speak some Dutch(But I am rusty) My French and Spanish is passable. Anyway if you look at my profile page and read my scripts on my loglines section and feel it would be good for you to join my network I would accept your invitation. Tot Ziens Meneer!! Dag!
Goedenavond Steven, Thanks for watching my showreel. I hope you enjoyed living in The Netherlands. I was having a look on your profile and of course I want to be in your network. I like the idea you are coming back to The Netherlands to make a movie. If you are interested, maybe you need an actor like me. Anyway, good to be in your network and I would like to know more about the movie you are preparing. Ik wens u nog een goede avond (In The Netherlands it is)